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SEN Information Report 2023 - 2024

Achievement and progress of different groups

Number of students in the school: 607

Number of students on the Inclusion Register: 193

Number of ARC students with RoN: 18 (currently placed)

Number of non-ARC students with RoN: 15

Number of students categorised as K: 160

Number of students categorised as ATM: 51

Number of looked after children: 2 (2 of which are also on Inclusion Register)

Number of Jersey Premium students: 224 (99 of which are also on Inclusion Register)

Number of MLL students: 279 (64 of which are also on Inclusion Register)

Attendance Data

Average attendance of all students in KS3 was 90.4% and average attendance of all students in KS3 on the Inclusion Register was 86.0% 

Average attendance of all students in KS4 was 87.5% and average attendance of all students in KS4 on the Inclusion Register was 79.4% 

Percentage of students in KS3 with over 90% attendance was 65.6%  and the percentage of students in KS3 with over 90% attendance and on the Inclusion Register was 47.5%

Percentage of students in KS4 with over 90% attendance was 68.7% (including study leave) and the percentage of students in KS4 with over 90% attendance and on the Inclusion Register was 46.6% (including study leave)

30.8% of all boys were on the Inclusion Register and 32.9% of all girls were on the Inclusion Register

51.3% of students on the Inclusion Register were boys and 48.7% were girls

16% of all students were born Jul/Aug and 12.4% of all Inclusion students were born Jul/Aug

25.5% of all students were born Jun/Jul/Aug and 23.8% of all Inclusion students were born Jun/Jul/Aug

The types of need that are provided for

Percentage of students on the Inclusion Register with primary needs relating to:

ASD: 15.5%

MLD: 10.4%

PDM: 4.1%

SEMH (including ADHD): 58.5%

SCLN: 3.1%

SPLD: 8.3%

Policies for identifying SEN & assessing needs:

Please see the information in these links for an up-to-date guide:


The SENDCos routinely scrutinise year group assessment data, particularly in English and Maths, and consult with year and subject leads to identify those falling below age-related expectations.

All staff and parents are welcome to make referrals to the Inclusion Team through the appropriate Head of Year, or the SENDCos or

Weekly Inclusion meetings take place with the SENDCos and Inclusion manager, Lead DSL, Wellbeing Manager and Deputy Head-teacher to discuss referrals.

The SENDCos regularly carry out book scrutiny, work collections and observations to provide a broad picture of a students’ ability and progress.

SENDCos use nationally standardised psychometric testing materials to investigate whether students need extra support or exams access arrangements and to assess the impact of interventions.

SENDCo and key contact details:


Mrs Sude Refault – SENDCo

Mrs Kate Sibcy – SENDCo (with ARC responsibility)

Ms Michelle Prentice – Deputy Head teacher

Ms Tori Trebilcock – Assistant Headteacher – Inclusion

Mrs Tanja Tinari –Student Support Lead

Mrs Kira le Marec – Educational Welfare Officer

Miss Emily Pinel – Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Ashley Grocott – ARC Lead Teacher  

Arrangements for consulting parents / carers of CYP with SEND & involving them in their education:


All parents have email access to the SENDCos and the students’ Head of Year and Form Tutor. They can all be reached by emailing this address in the first instance, where their enquiry will be directed to the appropriate person.

Many parents of students with SEND who require support receive a weekly email – a compilation of observations from multiple lessons to give parents a flavour of the week and relay any important information.

Students with a RoN have an Annual Review where parents, agencies, key staff and the child meet to discuss how the care and learning support package is working.

An integral part of that process involves parents giving their voice on paper and in the meeting.

Parental consent is sought before students are withdrawn from lessons for interventions, or referrals to outside agencies are made.  We also seek consent from parents before any therapeutic work can begin.

Arrangements for consulting CYP with SEND & involving them in their education


Students with a RoN have an Annual Review. This is a meeting where parents, agencies, key staff and the child meet to discuss how the care and learning package is working.

An integral part of that process involves children giving their voice on paper and in the meeting.

All students on the Inclusion Register have a strategy sheet which is written in the student’s voice, and it shared with all staff.

Students with SEND are affiliated with one of four designated support hubs in the school:

Arrangements for assessing a reviewing CYP’s progress towards outcomes. Opportunities to work with parents and carers as part of assessment and review.


While the Annual Review is a thorough process for parents of CYP with a RoN to discuss the plan at one point in the year, parents will also receive the same data and school reports as all other students.

In addition to this, if students are having literacy or numeracy interventions, whether they have a RoN or not, a termly summary of their progress against targets is also sent home.

Arrangements for supporting CYP in moving between phases of education and in preparing for adulthood:
Ambitions, higher education, employment, independent living, and participation in society.


Transition begins in Year 5, with feeder schools visiting for taster days in the Spring Term.

Year 6 to 7 transition is a year-long process which begins with initial contacts for SEND students being made in the Autumn Term of Year 6 and SENDCo attendance at Annual Review meetings for Year 6 students with a RoN. 

Depending on need, contact is maintained throughout Year 6 with our staff making ‘owen-setting’ visits followed by ‘Super Transition’ visits late in Spring and Early Summer Term.  Visits can include 1-2-1, pairs, small groups and eventually with the class group in the Summer Term. 

Transition can be a bespoke process for students with high-level needs and can include out-of–hours visits and SENDCo own-setting visits also available where required.

14 and 16+ Transition is the 14+ and 16+ transition lead and co-ordinates the Trident Work Experience in Year 10.

Students with SEND are supported through either 14+ transfer or GCSE selection by their SENDCo and Head of Year.

Students are introduced to further education and careers opportunities at events throughout the year, both on and off site. Students are also supported to visit centres of interest and to complete application forms in Year 11, for their chosen +16 destinations.

The SENDCo are in frequent contact with +16 providers at Hautlieu School, Highlands College, JET and with Paul O’Hara, CYPES Transition Lead.

Approaches to teaching CYP with SEN


All teachers receive regular INSET on adaptive teaching.

Guided by our school Educational Psychologist, SEND interventions use precision teaching methods alongside a range of bespoke techniques which are tailored to each individual child’s interests and learning style.

SEND provision is based on the ‘Assess, Plan, Do, Review’ cycle, as outlined in the Jersey Code of Practice (2017).

How adaptations are made to the curriculum and the learning environments of CYP with SEND


Low-stimulus learning environments are available. 

Specialist equipment such as;

  • seats,
  • boards,
  • sensory space,
  • social room,
  • quiet seating area,
  • seating

Additionally supervised lunch and breaks, tutorials, ASDAN, 1-2-1, and small group interventions for cognitive, social, emotional and physical needs are provided through our SEN Hub and the ARC.

The expertise and training of staff to support CYP with SEND and how specialist support will be secured.


The SENDCos are both degree-qualified teachers with PGCE, QTS, and post-graduate Access Arrangements qualification CPT3A, and NASEN, or equivalent experience / training.

Our SEND teachers are fully qualified subject teachers with QTS.

Some of our Lead LSAs also hold specialist qualifications in Autism or are working towards a NPQLBC from Newcastle University.

Our LSA team has a range of qualifications and experience and undergo regular training. They are encouraged to select courses of interest from the ‘Training Offer’ which includes specific training on ASD, ADHD, Literacy, Numeracy, Reading, Sleep, Emotional Regulation, ELSA, First Aid, Outdoor Learning etc..

All staff have regular training in child protection and safeguarding.

Evaluating the effectiveness of the provision made for CYP with SEND


Haute Vallee takes part in the systematic School Review Process and was last reviewed in ‘23-’24 ad was found ‘good’, in all areas.

SEND Interventions are also reviewed internally on a termly basis. Data and teacher observation is used to determine next steps.

Parents of children and young people with RoNs are invited to discuss the provision for their child at Annual Review meetings.

How CYP with SEND are enabled to engage in activities available to children who do not have SEND


All CYP with SEND are encouraged, as far as possible, to take a full and active part in all school activities such as;

  • Activities Week,
  • School Walk,
  • Sports Day,
  • Boxing, Clubs etc.

Students with SEND are supported to do this by SEND staff wherever necessary.

In addition, CYP with, or without SEND also have access to bespoke experiences tailored to their needs such as;

  • outdoor learning,
  • life skills,
  • developing independence skills,
  • cooking,
  • bespoke PSHE,
  • horse riding,
  • swimming,
  • small, supervised group social time,
  • Lego club,
  • soothe-box,
  • gardening,
  • ELSA,
  • Counselling.

Support for improving emotional and social development (to include support for listening to the views of CYP with SEND and prevention of bullying)

ELSA – Emotional Literacy support
Form Tutor time
Decider sessions
PSHE – both whole-class and bespoke for SEND students

Established Counter-bullying Policy can be found here:

How the school involves other bodies, inc. H&SC, local support services and voluntary organisations, in meetings CYP SEN and their families.


Circulation of information from our CYPES partners are regularly shared on social media and emails.

SENDCos, DSLs, EWO and Heads of Year all refer to our partner agencies in the community to gain specialist expertise to support our students.

We have regular on-line and face-to-face consultations, facilitate meetings and on / off-site work with CYP and their parent / guardians.

The full list of organisations we consult with will soon be available in the ‘Ordinarily Available’ document on the Government of Jersy website:

Arrangements for handling complaints from parents / carers of CYP with SEND about the provision made in the school.


It is always advisable to contact the school directly with a concern or complaint.

Ms Michelle Prentice – Deputy Head teacher is available to guide parents or students:

 The complaints policy can be found here:

Arrangements for supporting CYP with SEND who are looked after (LAC)


DSL and SEND staff attend scheduled TAC and CIN meetings which can and often are hosted at Haute Vallee.

Our Student support Lead Tanja Tinari is fully involved in supporting young people and their families and carers.

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