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Jersey Premium:

Jersey Premium is a targeted funding programme which aims to make sure all children get the best from their education.

Some children don’t go on to achieve at the levels that would normally be expected for their ability. The introduction of Jersey Premium has enabled schools to review their approach to teaching and learning, ensuring that all pupils are able to achieve their very best.

Schools and colleges receive extra funding calculated on the number of eligible children they have each year. The school or college decides how they use the funding to improve the child’s educational experience and outcomes.

Jersey Premium is available for pupils throughout their education in a Government of Jersey school or college.

Who is eligible?

Government of Jersey colleges and schools, both fee-paying and non-fee-paying, can receive extra funding on a Per Pupil Basis.

To see if your child is eligible, please click through to the main Jersey Premium Page.

Read the Haute Vallee – Jersey Premium Strategy Statement 2025 here.

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