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Internet use and online activities are part of every day life for young people and adults in today’s world. While the benefits are massive, it is important to be fully aware of advice on safe use of the internet and advice to avoid risks as much as possible, and where to seek guidance if you do feel concerned about the behaviour of other users.

We list below some helpful links and sources of advice. Students and parents/carers are always encouraged to seek advice from Haute Vallée School or from one of these sources if you have any concerns. At school, please contact our Designated Safeguarding Lead, Tanja Tinari (, and we will respond to you as soon as possible.

Useful Links

A Guide to Protecting Children’s Privacy Online

Online Safety Guides for Parents and Carers

  • BBC Online safety – A collection of teaching resources that can be used to explore online safety with both primary and secondary pupils.
  • CEOP website (formerly the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre) established to protect children from harm online and offline
  • Childline – free and confidential advice anytime – also via telephone 0800 1111
  • NSPCC – the leading children’s charity in the UK, specialising in child protection
  • Thinkuknow – the latest age-specific information and help for children on popular websites, app and trends

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