Uniform must be worn in school, to and from school and at any official function organised by the school e.g. when helping at open days, when attending presentation evenings.
A smart appearance is essential in creating our identity and sense of pride in our school community.
All students are expected to maintain a neat and tidy appearance at all times, e.g. shirts tucked in. Parental support is essential in ensuring that the standard of uniform is maintained at all times.
If you forget a piece of your uniform or arrive wearing the incorrect footwear, it will be recorded on the register and we will supply you with the relevant piece of clothing for you to wear throughout the day.

School Blazer
(Sleeves should not be rolled up)
School Tie
(Differs depending on Year group or role within the school)
School Jumper
White Shirt
(Tucked in with top button fastened)
Tailored Black Trousers
(No jeans, skinny jeans, denim, denim style, skinny trousers or jean styled trousers, leggings or footless tights)
Black Shoes
(Completely black, including laces)


School Blazer
(Should still be worn with the summer uniform. Sleeves should not be rolled up)
School Tie
(Differs depending on Year group or role within the school)
White Shirt
(Tucked in with top button fastened)
Tailored Black Shorts
Black Shoes
Summer Dress
(At least knee length)
Black Shoes

The following PE Kit is required for both Girls and Boys.

Black Training Top
(Embroidered with school logo)
Black & Green Reversible Rugby Top
Black Training Pants
Black & Green T-Shirt
(Embroidered with school logo)
Black & Green Shorts/Skort
(Choice between shorts or skort)
Black & Green Football Socks
Football Boots

In addition all students are expected to have white socks for indoor lessons, a gum shield and shin pads.
For swimming, students will require a one piece costume / swim shorts, a swimming cap and towel. Goggles are optional.
The following optional items are also available:
White/Green Summer T-Shirt – embroidered with school logo (for summer)
Black/White Rain Jacket – Printed (Optional but recommended for outdoor lessons)
HV Black Printed Leggings – Printed on leg
HV Black Printed Skins – Printed on sleeve
Outdoor Coat
An outdoor coat can be any colour or style (although preferably navy or black), with or without a hood, but it must be a coat, as opposed to a track suit top, hoodie, denim jacket or fashion jumper/cardigan. It is a good idea if coats are waterproof.
Outdoor Wear Only
Baseball cap (summer)
Scarf (winter)
Woolly hat (winter)
Gloves (winter)
All outdoor clothing, including scarves, must be completely removed in lessons.
Please note that the following items of clothing are not classified as school uniform:
Jeans, skinny jeans, denim, denim style, skinny trousers or jean styled trousers Leggings or footless tights
Hoodies – including hooded cardigans
Cargo pants/trousers
Large white, colourful or sparkly belts (discreet dark belts are acceptable)
Pin striped trousers
Tracksuit bottoms
All Items should be clearly marked with the student’s name
Failure to adhere to the school dress code will be considered as a breach of our behaviour policy and appropriate sanctions will apply. Parental support is requested and appreciated.
Watches are acceptable as well as medical bracelets/necklaces.
Earrings – up to two discreet studs in each earlobe.
No other jewellery is permitted.
No facial or body piercing is permitted.
No artificial nails.
Only discreet nail varnish allowed.
No extreme hair colour / style.
When you start at the school you will be assigned a specific colour of tie, which will remain with you throughout your time at the school. The colours below are for the 2024/25 academic year.






If you are chosen to take on the position of School Ambassador you will be presented with an Ambassador’s tie.
Each year, towards the end of Year 10, the new Ambassador student
leadership team is selected from the student body.
The Head and Deputy Head Ambassadors will be presented with a
green school blazer to allow them to be easily identified.

On occasions, students in the school are allowed to wear clothes other than the school uniform. This includes dress down days to raise money and awareness for charities, or as a form reward; or when on school trips.
Whilst this allows students the opportunity to express themselves as individuals, it must be done so in an appropriate way. It is particularly important that any
student’s attire on these occasions recognises that the school is still a working environment, and further that student attire does not cause embarrassment or discomfort to staff, students and other members of the school community.
The following guidelines are to be adhered to:
- Shorts, skirts and dresses, if worn, should be knee length;
- Shirts, t-shirts must have sleeves and cover the midriff.
The following items are prohibited:
- See-through clothing, for example see-through blouses;
- Strapless or ‘string-strapped’ tops;
- Clothing which is revealing; for example, exposing bare midriffs;
- Caps and Hats (Indoors)
- Clothing which reveals underwear;
- Clothing with offensive logos; Offensive images, slogans or words
- Fish net tights;
- Extreme make-up.
It is recognised that this dress code will not cover all issues that may arise. Students may seek to wear, for example, items which have not been covered by
the above guidelines, but which are against the tenor of the dress code. In such a case, or given any issue of dispute, the final arbiter is the Headteacher or other senior member of staff.
All students are expected to arrive at school wearing clothing in accordance with this dress code. Should they not do so, then they will either be sent home
to change by the Headteacher or other senior member of staff, or be asked to wear appropriate attire from the uniform loan shop. Any student unable to adhere to this policy or go home will work in the RTL for the day.